Digital Rice Cooker Review (Advertisement) from Travel Hunger

4.1 / 5 based on 42 Reviews

Updated: 26. December 2020 11:54

Table of contents:


    This article is about the new DIGITAL RICE COOKER from REISHUNGER. After the Digital Rice Cooker from Reishunger was released, I had the thought of how it would compare to the standard rice cooker from Reishunger (which we raffled off on RyuKoch). Since I've been eating rice every day since I can remember and have used many different rice cookers and know the differences, I asked Reishunger if I could be given the new rice cooker for free. My goal is to objectively present the device to you. It is very important to us that despite free products, we write our honest opinion about the products. We do not receive any money from Reishunger for this article.

    We are very satisfied with the previous products from Reishunger and can already say that Matthias is very happy with the cheaper version. You can find the article about this rice cooker presentation from Reishunger here:

    To the old rice cooker article

    REISHUNGER Digitaler Reiskocher & Dampfgarer Weiß | 1,5 L bis 8 Personen | Warmhaltefunktion, Timer & Premium Innentopf | Multikocher, 12 Programme, 7-Phasen-Technologie
    REISHUNGER Digitaler Reiskocher & Dampfgarer Weiß | 1,5 L bis 8 Personen | Warmhaltefunktion, Timer & Premium Innentopf | Multikocher, 12 Programme, 7-Phasen-Technologie

    Bei Amazon ansehen*

    First Impressions

    As already mentioned, I have already gained some experience with rice cookers . The latest model from Reishunger I would classify in the middle range. In my opinion, it's a solid mid-range rice cooker with good workmanship. The price indicated on the site is justified for the rice cooker and is not overpriced at all.

    When I unpacked the rice cooker, I immediately noticed the brownish inner pot. Because normally they are black matte with some grooves or a rough bottom surface on the inside. This inner pot is completely smooth, so I was also curious what function or advantage and disadvantage the design would bring.

    On closer inspection, I noticed the operation. The cooker is equipped with a modern display, which makes operation much easier. My only subjective drawback with the display is the On function. Here you have to press the Start button for about 2 seconds until the cooker starts.

    The drawback that Matthias mentioned in the first rice cooker article, that the rice cooker can only be switched on and off via a power connection, has been eliminated in this new model.

    The first impression is already good. The modern design, the display function and the very solid and high-quality workmanship create a harmonious overall picture. It is also particularly important to me that the lid can be closed tightly. In our comprehensive rice cooker guide a closable lid is a must-have for a rice cooker!

     To the general and detailed rice cooker guide

    Bowl from the digital Reishunger from Reishunger
    Bowl from the digital Reishunger from Reishunger - Photo Reishunger
    Digital display of the rice cooker
    Digital display of the rice cooker - Photo Reishunger

    Cooking Rice

    It is recommended to carry out a pre-boiling process before use, i.e. to let the rice cooker boil only with water.

    As with many other rice cookers , a measuring cup is included. This is needed to mix a quantity of rice with the ideal amount of water according to the instructions. For beginners, this is a very useful gadget. One full measuring cup of dry rice is enough for a large portion for 2 people. I noticed that the minimum filling level of the cooker is only reached with 2 full measuring cups. This can be confusing for some people, because you assume that the bottom marking indicates the minimum amount. We wonder why the line starts at 2 and not already at 1.

    For preparing rice, it is of course important to wash the rice thoroughly beforehand. This washes out the starch and the rice does not stick afterwards. In addition to the measuring cup, the well-visible marking in the cooking pot ensures the perfect amount of water. Reishunger has already done a good job with the first rice cooker model. With the display, you can then optimally prepare the right type of rice using different rice cooking modes. During the cooking process, a progress bar shows how far the rice is cooked.

    In some cooking processes, I noticed that the progress bar quickly reached 90% (after about 5 minutes) and then stayed there for more than 15 minutes because the cooking process was not yet complete. Therefore, the progress indicator is not useful for me if it does not work accurately.

    Matthias's thesis is that the progress bar is related to the amount of water in the rice cooker. Depending on whether you have filled more or less water into the cooker (which can hardly be done wrong with the measuring cup) and how quickly it evaporates, the bar will be at 100 percent sooner or later. Accordingly, the display can be irritating because it makes it impossible to estimate the exact time. Perhaps then it should be checked whether the water quantities for the different rice varieties are optimally selected. Each rice variety is known to be cooked differently or with different water quantities and length of the cooking process.

    After the cooking process was finally complete, a beep sounded. This clearly lets you know (even if you're not in the kitchen) that the rice is cooked.

    In addition to the many selectable modes, the cooker offers the possibility of a turbo mode. Here, the rice is cooked faster than in the standard mode. This is not a problem for some rice varieties (white rice), but if you set the turbo mode for brown rice, the result is less good, for the simple reason that brown rice must first absorb water and then be gently cooked.

    Cooking Japanese Rice
    Cooking Japanese Rice Essentials of the Essentials

    Keeping Warm Function

    The rice cooker naturally also offers a keep warm function. With the keep warm function of the rice cooker you can see on the display how long the rice has been cooked in the rice cooker. The keep warm function keeps the rice warm at a warm temperature for up to 24 hours.

    Here, I noticed a major drawback. After about 4 hours, the rice that is directly on the inside of the inner pot hardens. This rice is unfortunately no longer edible. The hardening of the rice continues to form towards the center of the contents with the following hours and therefore no longer tastes good. Therefore, I really only recommend cooking the amount of rice that is needed. For single households, rice is unfortunately lost because the quite large rice cooker is designed for at least 2 people.

    I can't explain exactly why the rice hardens so quickly or dries out. Perhaps the keep warm function is too hot or the material of the inner pot heats up too much.


    Water container from Reishunger
    Water container from Reishunger - Photos Reishunger

    When it comes to cleaning, this rice cooker is very easy to clean. I don't know if it's because of the material and the smooth surface of the bowl, but nothing sticks to it and you save a lot of time.

    There is also a separate container for the condensed water on the rice cooker . As soon as you open the lid, the condensed water flows through a groove into a hole. It is then caught in a plastic container and you can empty it afterwards. As a user, however, you should remember to empty this small container often.

    Steaming Vegetables

    Another very interesting function is steaming vegetables. With the included steamer insert from Reishunger, it is possible to cook your desired vegetables, fish and seafood alongside the rice by means of the rising steam. This gentle way of preparing food preserves many important nutrients.

    Functions and Technology

    Overall, the Digital Rice Cooker has twelve different functions. Seven different programs for cooking rice and others for quinoa, millet and other seeds/grains. You can also use it to cook soups, steam vegetables, fish and meat and, as a special highlight, bake bread/cake. I myself only used the rice functions because as a Japanese person I naturally only use a rice cooker for rice.

    We think that due to the multiple functions, the name-giving for a rice cooker , namely rice cooking, had to suffer a little in quality. Both Matthias and I know inner pots of rice cookers only with rough inner bottom surfaces, like the first model from Reishunger. This is probably because the bread and cake baking functions have been integrated.


    In summary, it is certainly possible to go back to the first rice cooker from Reishunger to see how the latest model differs from the old one. I think Reishunger has taken into account the wishes and criticisms of old buyers in addition to a new digital rice cooker. Despite our criticisms, I classify this rice cooker in the upper middle class. The good workmanship and the simple operation make it easier to prepare different types of rice. For the price, you get a solid rice cooker that cooks rice perfectly. I can't give any information about baking cakes and bread, as I only cooked rice here.

    Conclusion on the Price

    The rice cooker currently costs €124.99 at Reishunger. This is definitely understandable for a mid-range rice cooker . In my opinion, the price-performance ratio is very good and the price is therefore also justified. Especially if you cook a lot of rice, this purchase is definitely worthwhile. But only prepare as much rice as you need within a short time.

    Matthias's opinion is a bit more critical there, because he uses the only €35 predecessor model and he is very satisfied with that. Apart from the display and the additional function of cooking soup and baking cake, the rice cooker doesn't offer much more than its predecessor. Sure, the different modes make rice cooking easier and the additional functions allow for more dishes, but do you use them? He wouldn't bake a cake in a rice cooker, his oven has to be used for that.

    If you're interested, take a look at our first report on the predecessor.

    To the old rice cooker article

    • Good and high-quality workmanship
    • Price-wise better than comparable competitor models
    • Closed lid
    • Modern design and easy operation
    • Multiple modes for different types of rice and other cooking functions
    • Pot is locked in (Not like the first Reishunger rice cooker model)
    • Rice cooker can be switched off, even though it is plugged in (Not like the first Reishunger rice cooker model)
    • (Progress bar)
    • Easy to clean
    • Too big for single households (Why no marking for one portion?)
    • Progress bar is rather useless for me
    • Rice crusts on the inner pot after about 4 hours
    • Fresh rice is not available after several hours (>20 hours)
    REISHUNGER Digitaler Reiskocher & Dampfgarer Weiß | 1,5 L bis 8 Personen | Warmhaltefunktion, Timer & Premium Innentopf | Multikocher, 12 Programme, 7-Phasen-Technologie
    REISHUNGER Digitaler Reiskocher & Dampfgarer Weiß | 1,5 L bis 8 Personen | Warmhaltefunktion, Timer & Premium Innentopf | Multikocher, 12 Programme, 7-Phasen-Technologie

    Bei Amazon ansehen*
    REISHUNGER Reiskocher & Dampfgarer mit Antihaftbeschichtung - Für 1-6 Personen - Schnelle Zubereitung ohne Anbrennen - Mit Warmhaltefunktion inkl. Dämpfeinsatz, Löffel & Messbecher, Weiß
    REISHUNGER Reiskocher & Dampfgarer mit Antihaftbeschichtung - Für 1-6 Personen - Schnelle Zubereitung ohne Anbrennen - Mit Warmhaltefunktion inkl. Dämpfeinsatz, Löffel & Messbecher, Weiß

    Matthias und Ryusei benutzen diesen Reiskocher beide! Für einen unschlagbaren Preis gelingt dein Reis immer!

    Bei Amazon ansehen*
    Digital Rice Cooker from Reishunger
    Digital Rice Cooker from Reishunger

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    • Gast Logo Kay : 30. March 2019 19:47

      Hallo, Danke für die Rezension. Hat zur Kaufentscheidung beigetragen. Würde aber doch gern wissen, wo ihr den Netzschalter gefunden habt? Vielen Dank vorab. Mit freundlichen Grüßen K. Strelow

    • Gast Logo Eve : 25. April 2020 22:18

      Hallo, ich möchte mich der Frage im oberen Kommentar anschließen und dann zu euer Antwort folgende Frage stellen: Wie ist dann die folgende Aussage aus eurem Testbericht zu verstehen? „Das Manko, welches Matthias in dem ersten Reiskocher-Beitrag erwähnt hat, dass der Reiskocher nur mittels einer Stromverbindung angeschaltet, ausgeschaltet werden kann, ist bei diesem neuen Modell beseitigt.“

    • Gast Logo Karim : 18. July 2020 23:35

      Esse viel reis hauptsächlich weisen basmati und volkorn basmati Hatte bis heute noch nue einen reiskocher Kann mich nicht zwischen den basis und den digitalen reiskocher entscheiden Würde aber gerne viele portionen vorbereiten Irgendeinen rat ?

    • Gast Logo Dirk : 28. November 2020 12:31

      Hallo zusammen! Wir haben einen 12 Jahre alten Reiskocher von Panasonic, der mittlerweile "aus dem Leim geht" und haben uns deshalb den im Artikel beschriebenen Reiskocher gekauft. - Das nervig blinkende Display verbraucht 8kWh Strom im Jahr. 2,50€ für eine blinkende Anzeige, die Umwelt sagt danke schön. - Verbleibende Reiskörner lassen sich aus dem Topf vom alten Reiskocher einfach mit warmen Wasser wegspülen, für den Reishunger Kocher braucht man eine Bürste (Bei Sushi Reis). - Der Geschmack und besonders die Konsistenz vom Reis ist nicht mit dem Ergebniss des alten Reiskochers vergleichbar. Ich muss aber zugeben das der Panasonic Kocher vor 12 Jahren doppelt so viel gekostet hat wie der Reishunger Kocher heute. Wir haben uns nach einem Monat experimentieren einen dreifach teuren Kocher aus Korea bestellt und sind wieder zufrieden. Grüße Dirk

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